Great news! This week we have passed the last tests for the EU homologation.
This is a huge step, because it means that from now on every Microlino that we produce is street legal all over Europe. We got amazing results from the range testing and even outperformed our calculations. For the small battery (8kWh) we reached 126 km during the road testing and for the big one (14.4kWh) we reached 202 km.
We are sorry for the delays that occured since we started with the project but you have been patient and supported us on all ends. Big thanks for that :). The reasons for the delays was that due to the special form of the Microlino and the front door the homologation took more time than we expected. Additionally, we wanted to get your feedback first, before we start production. Below you can see the adjusted project timeline from the very begining to the start of production:
If everything goes as planned we will have the first series Microlinos by the end of September 2018. Soon after that you will get the chance to test drive the Microlino and give us your feedback. Together with our findings we will then implement the feedback into a final version. Production will start in December 2018 and therefore the first deliveries in Switzerland soon after. From there on, we will expand step by step into other countries as well.
Don't worry, we didn't forget you! A couple of months before the start of production we will launch our new webpage where you can configurate your own Microlino and place the downpayment. Keep in mind that your position on the reservation list is only fixed once you have made the downpayment. We will of course inform you in advance when the new webpage goes online. Little sneak-peak of the configurator below: