Microlino’s April Fools’ Revelation: Igniting the Push for Microcar Advancement

Lisa Scherrer 01. dub 2024

Dear Community, Partners, and Friends of Microlino,

On March 28, 2024, we announced that we would deviate from our path of electric mobility and would in the future rely on combustion engines. Today, we would like to officially confirm: It was an April Fools' joke! However, this joke carries a deeper significance that extends beyond mere laughter.

It was important for us not only to provide a moment of levity but more so to provoke thought and discussion. In a world where economic interests often outweigh ecological sustainability, we aimed to demonstrate that our decisions should not be solely guided by monetary considerations. “Although switching to combustion engines might seem financially sensible in the short term, we are driven by a vision for a more sustainable future,” says Wim Ouboter, CEO & Founder of Micro.

With our April Fools’ joke, we wanted to draw attention to the urgent need for greater support of microcars and electric mobility. These vehicles offer an efficient, environmentally friendly alternative for urban transportation and could significantly contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. Yet, without adequate support through political actions and societal acceptance, their potential and proliferation remain limited.

The positive response and widespread interest our joke has generated reinforce our belief that sustainable mobility is possible—if we all pull together. It’s time to seriously discuss the mobility of tomorrow, enhance the promotion of L7e vehicles, and create an infrastructure that not only facilitates but encourages the transition to electric alternatives.

At Micro, we are ready to shape this change and continue to advance our vision of eco-friendly mobility. Together, we can make a difference and shape a future where sustainable mobility is not the exception, but the norm.

Best regards,
Wim Ouboter, Merlin Ouboter & Oliver Ouboter



From E-Mobility to Combustion: Microlino's Groundbreaking Transition

In an unexpected twist of events that’s set to shake the foundations of the car industry and perhaps, ignite a spark in the hearts of policymakers across Europe, Microlino has announced a revolutionary change in its production line. Buckling under the pressure of unsupported L7e electric vehicle infrastructure and burgeoning import taxes, the beloved compact EV maker is taking a bold leap - back in time. 


From Electric Dreams to Combustion Realities 

Yes, you read that right. In a move that's bound to raise more than a few eyebrows, Microlino is saying goodbye to its electric dreams and embracing the age-old combustion engine. "Given the lack of government support in various European countries and the imposition of import taxes, we’ve been pushed to rethink our strategy," explains Wim Ouboter, CEO & Founder of Micro. "Moreover, being part of the L7e category, which sadly doesn't play a role in the CO2 calculations, denies us the benefits that giants like Tesla enjoyed in the past, reaping 700 million from the government annually." 


Innovative Partnership: The New Engine from India 

In an exciting development, Microlino announces that the origin of the new combustion engine will be India - a country globally recognized for its expertise in manufacturing high-quality and premium motorcycles. "For our latest step, we have entered into a partnership with one of the leading experts in the motorcycle industry. This collaboration symbolizes our continuous pursuit of innovation and the highest quality, even as we venture into the realm of combustion engines." With this move, Microlino underscores its commitment to excellence and the willingness to explore unconventional paths to find the best solutions. 


A Nostalgic Solution to Modern Problems 

The decision, which comes after much deliberation and a hint of desperation, is seen as a pragmatic step back to a time when combustion was king. "It's simple, really," continues Ouboter. "If the world doesn’t support our electric ambitions, we'll save costs where it hurts the most – the battery." 

This drastic shift not only highlights the financial and regulatory challenges faced by electric microcars but also shines a spotlight on the broader issue of electric vehicle support in Europe. "Our move to combustion is a cheeky nod to the political sarcasm that surrounds the L7e vehicle category in most European countries. A lack of support? Fine, we’ll just save the planet the old-fashioned way." 


About  Micro  

Founded in 1999 by Wim Ouboter, Micro has established itself as a pioneer in urban micro-mobility, notably with the invention of the first kick scooter designed for city travel. In 2013, the company expanded into electric mobility solutions and initiated collaborations with renowned automotive brands. The development of the Microlino, led by Ouboter's sons Merlin and Oliver, began in 2015 as a PR stunt for the Geneva Auto Show, but due to overwhelming public interest, it evolved into full-scale production. As a family-owned business, Micro is committed to innovation, quality, and sustainability, a commitment recognized through numerous awards. 

For more information, visit www.microlino-car.com.